P4 Warehouse Add a new customer
The Customers page lists all the customers available in the Warehouse Management System software. There are columns for Customer Number, Company Name, Description, Contact Person, Email, Customer, and Created. There is also a “New” button at the top right (to create new customer profiles) and a “Refresh” button (to update the list after any changes). The “Export All Data” button is located just below the refresh button and appears as a black folder surrounding a white X.

Select the “New” button to create a customer profile. The New Customer pop-up window will appear with four options: Customer, Customer Number, Company Name, and Description. The Customer field presents a drop-down menu from which to choose a customer from an available list. Fill out each option (the Description is optional) and select the “Submit” button.
The client is not used unless the system is configured for 3PL or Multi-Company.

The page will display the customer profile (in this example, Customer: c2). On the left side there is a Details section for entering an email address, a contact person, and various information in the Description field. In the top right corner there are two buttons: the “Update” button will save the changes made to the customer profile and the “Update” button will display those changes. On the right is the Addresses section for entering one or more addresses for this customer, including an “Add” button for adding new addresses. Finally, at the bottom there is a settings section for the allowed expiration of products (the customer does not want any items to expire within the chosen time frame; by default it is set to 70 days).

Addresses are displayed with columns of information for Default, Name, Route, Attn To, Phone, Address1, City, State, Postal (Zip Code), and Action. To delete an address, select the icon (black x inside a white box) under the Action column for the corresponding address. To edit an address, select the selection text under the Name column. This will activate the Address popup.

At the top of the Address Details popup there is a default option (with a checkbox) to choose this address as the default address for this customer. Enter, delete or add the address details you want in the various fields. Once you are done, select the “Submit” button at the bottom to complete the address.