P4 Warehouse Create Supplier
The Suppliers page lists all the suppliers available in the Warehouse Management System software. Columns appear for Vendor Number, Company Name, Description, Email, Customer, Created, and Action. There are also two buttons at the top right: “New” (to add a new supplier) and “Update” (to update the list after you have made any changes). The Export All Data button is located just below the four buttons described above, and appears as a black folder with a white X surrounding it. Use the Action column to delete a corresponding one.

To add a new supplier to your WMS, simply select the “New” button to activate a pop-up menu with four options: Customer, Supplier Number, Company Name, and Description. Fill out each option and then select the “Submit” button.

Once created, select the seller from the list (choose the Seller Number text link) and that specific seller's profile page will appear. On this page, each detail of the vendor can be filled out or edited, including options such as name, email, and address. Select the "Update" button on the top right to review the vendor's profile with the changes made. Select the "Update" button to view the changes.