P4 Warehouse Creating Users
To create a new user, go to Settings > System > Users
The Users menu displays the various user accounts that have been created. As mentioned in the previous section, user accounts can be either Administrator or User type. New users can be created by selecting the “New” button at the top right, or existing users can be deleted by selecting the black “X” to the right of each user in the list (additional new Administrator accounts can be deleted, but not the initial Administrator account). To review or edit an existing user, simply select the username from the list.

P4 Warehouse user list

P4 Warehouse user options
From the P4 Warehouse user list you can perform several tasks:
- Add new user
- Activate a deactivated user
- Deactivate a user
- Delete a user
Additionally, you can impersonate (click the link icon in the photo below) a user to verify permissions and assist with screen layout.

P4 Warehouse impersonate user
On the User List screen, you can open and edit an existing user by clicking the link in the users column or you can click the NEW button to add a new user.

Within the User Setup Screen there are several important sections that need to be configured. Login Credentials – In this section of the screen you will configure the basic settings for the user such as username, password, language, Default Warehouse, and basic permissions. Assigned Zones – In this area you configure the zones that the user is allowed to work in. This is used to prevent users from working outside of their assigned warehouse or zone. Personal Information – First Name, Last Name, Time Zone, and photo of the user. Handheld – This setting should only be used for company owned vehicles that are making company deliveries. Modules – This is where permissions are configured based on the users role in the warehouse.

P4 Warehouse Printer Assignments
Customers – This setting is for a user who works for a specific 3PL. This setting will limit the user to only seeing the customers, suppliers, sales orders, purchase orders of a 3PL customer.
Printers – In this section you will choose the printer(s) that the user is authorized to use. After selecting the appropriate printer(s) select a printout as the default. In the lower right corner, there is an Advanced button. Click this button to assign different printers to different labels.
Default menu – Determines the screen that is displayed upon login, for example /demolatam/main/pickTicketList/true will open the pending order screen for the Demolatam Tenant.
Please use with caution, putting invalid data here may lock the user out of the system!!!