P4 Warehouse Products
This configuration page presents the Expiration Format (default is yyyyMMdd for Year-Month-Day), Allow Expired Product (Yes/No, default: No), Print Package Size Labels when Consolidating (Yes/No, default: Yes), Decimal Unit of Measure (unit of measure for decimally controlled products; default is kilograms Kg), Decimal Error Margin (acceptable error margin for decimally controlled products by default; 1.5). After modifying any entries, select the “Save” button located at the bottom right.

P4 Warehouse General Product Configuration
Setting Allow Expired Product to True will allow the system to send expired products. Use this setting with caution.
Enabling the “Allow move allocated stock” option will allow direct movement of products. Sales orders with these products will be automatically reassigned to the product’s new location.
Enabling the “Allow attribute change” option will allow the product to be reconfigured, this will ONLY work when a specific product has zero inventory. Use this option with caution.
It is critical that your products are configured correctly from the start, accurate product configuration is vital to having a good track record and smooth functionality in your processes.
Dimensional Data

P4 Warehouse Dimensional data setup
In the image above, this sets the defaults for how dimensional data is captured and displayed. In the image above, weight is expressed in pounds and length is expressed in cubic feet.
Capture Weight and Capture Length are the units used by the PDT user to capture the overall pallet size and weight, in the image above the PDT user will use inches for the pallet dimensions and pounds for the pallet weight.