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More than 30 years of experience

Revolutionize your Warehouse Management

Cutting-edge Technology for Warehouse Management

Discover how P4 Warehouse is transforming warehouse management with advanced technology solutions and an innovative approach.

Innovation in Warehouse Management

P4 Warehouse offers a state-of-the-art Warehouse Management System (WMS) that integrates the most advanced technologies on the market. In an environment where competition is fierce, staying ahead is crucial. Our WMS is designed to offer superior performance, flexibility and scalability, ensuring your business is always one step ahead.

The technology behind P4 Warehouse enables efficient and precise management of warehouse operations, optimizing every aspect of the logistics process. From receiving goods to shipping, our system ensures a smooth and seamless operation.

By adopting the latest technological innovations, P4 Warehouse not only improves operational efficiency but also provides a robust platform for future growth. With P4 Warehouse, your business is prepared to face the challenges of the modern market.

Microservices Architecture

Unmatched Scalability

P4 Warehouse's microservices architecture enables unprecedented scalability, easily adapting to changing business needs.

Resilience and Reliability

Each system component operates independently, ensuring that updates and improvements do not disrupt overall operation.

Independent Operation

Microservices allow each part of the system to function autonomously, making it easier to maintain and implement new functionality.


Virtually Unlimited Storage

Azure SQL Database Hyperscale provides P4 Warehouse with virtually unlimited storage capacity, ensuring data growth is never a bottleneck. Trust us to keep your information safe and constantly growing!

Rapid Resource Scalability

With Hyperscale, P4 Warehouse can quickly scale its resources to meet the demands of growing businesses, while maintaining optimal performance at all times.

Efficient Tracking with Azure Cosmos DB

Global Distribution

Azure Cosmos DB offers globally distributed multi-model database services, ensuring low-latency access to data no matter where operations occur.

Microtrustworthy Registry

P4 Warehouse uses Azure Cosmos DB for micro-logging, efficiently tracking every action within the system to maintain operational integrity and transparency.


Azure Cosmos DB guarantees high availability of records, ensuring that data is always accessible and reliable, offering a reliable solution for cloud data storage.

Low Latency

Low latency access provided by Azure Cosmos DB ensures that logs are updated and available in real time.

Robust deployment with Azure Web Apps

Scalable Environment

Azure Web Apps provide a scalable environment to deploy P4 Warehouse web application components, ensuring the system can grow with your business effectively.

High availability

Azure Web Apps' robust infrastructure ensures high availability, ensuring that P4 Warehouse is always accessible when you need it.

Secure Implementation

Azure Web Apps provide a secure environment to deploy web applications, protecting your data and operations from potential threats. With our service, you can rest easy knowing that your information is protected and secure at all times. Trust us to maintain the integrity and confidentiality of your data while you develop your web applications with peace of mind.


Developed with C#

P4 Warehouse leverages the power of C# to ensure a robust and efficient backend system.

.NET Core 8

Using .NET Core 8, P4 Warehouse offers improved performance and security, ensuring a reliable and efficient experience for our customers.

Our backend is designed to be flexible and operate seamlessly across multiple platforms. With our experience and detailed approach, we ensure optimal performance in any technological environment. Trust us to provide you with efficient and effective solutions that fit your unique needs.
Optimized Performance
Experience superior performance with our next-generation backend technology. Obtain optimal and efficient results to boost your business and stand out in the market. Trust our advanced technology to drive your success. Discover the difference with us today!

Advanced Frontend Technology

Dynamic Web Applications

P4 Warehouse uses Angular to create dynamic and responsive web applications. Trust us to take your online presence to the next level!

Intuitive User Experience

Angular ensures that our web applications provide an intuitive and fluid user experience.

Abundant Features

Our user interface is packed with features to improve user interaction and satisfaction, providing an optimal experience.


Angular guarantees fast development cycles, ensuring that our applications are always up to date.

API-First Design



Maximum Flexibility

P4 Warehouse's API-First design offers unparalleled flexibility for systems integration.


Easily integrate P4 Warehouse with other systems and applications for greater efficiency and productivity in your business.


Our API-First approach ensures adaptability to future technological advances.

Main Features

Microservices Architecture

It enables exceptional scalability and resilience, ensuring each component functions independently.

Azure SQL Database Hyperscale

Provides virtually unlimited storage and rapid scalability to handle large volumes of data.

Azure Web Apps

It offers a robust and secure environment to run web applications with high availability and performance.

Product Comparison

P4 Warehouse

A modern and advanced warehouse management system, designed to maximize operational efficiency.

Microservices Architecture 2024

Azure SQL Database Hyperscale

Azure Web Apps

Backend in C# Using .NET Core 8

Legacy Systems

Old systems that use obsolete technologies, limited in scalability and flexibility.

Java and XBase Clipper 1980's

Monolithic Architecture

Difficult to maintain

Limited Scalability

Technological Advantages

Microservices Architecture

It allows updates and upgrades without disrupting the entire system, ensuring continuous operation.

Backend in C# Using .NET Core 8

It provides exceptional performance and security, ideal for handling complex business logic.

Frontend in Angular

It offers an intuitive and responsive user experience, facilitating interaction with the system.

API-First Platform

It allows easy integration with other systems and applications, offering maximum flexibility.

Optimize your Warehouse Operations Today.

Unlock the full potential of your warehouse with P4 Warehouse's modern Warehouse Management System. Experience unparalleled efficiency, scalability and innovation. Click below to discover how P4 Warehouse can revolutionize your operations.

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